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Cub Scouts is not a program for boys. It is a program for families with boys. Parents need to be involved. We know that the family is an important influence on the youth of our nation. Cub Scouting provides opportunities for families to work and play together, to have fun together, and to get to know each other a little better.

All Boys

Cub Scouting is for all boys, and each boy is different. We realize there are no "average" boys and that's why Cub Scouting is easily adaptable to a boy with a physical, mental, or emotional limitation. When a youngster with a disability participates, there is little doubt that Cub Scouting can be one of the most valuable aids to his physical and mental development. And the boy is a great teacher for the other boys.

Cub Scouts

Pack 419

Duluth, Ga.



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