In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America created a new opportunity called Cub Scouting for boys younger than Boy Scout age. A year-round, home-centered program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. In the multidimensional plan of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting is where it all begins. Currently, it is the largest of the organization's four membership divisions (The others are Boy Scouting, Exploring, and Learning for Life). Thousands of volunteer leaders, both men and women, are involved in the Cub Scout program. Click here to learn about the Birth of Scouting in the US. |
Cub Scouts Pack 419 Duluth, Ga.
If you have questions or comments about this web site, please email us at CS_Pack419@Yahoo.Com. |