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The Wolf Trail

To earn their Wolf Badge, the boys must complete twelve Wolf achievements. When a boy's parent has okayed the tracks and the boy has filled in all twelve achievements in his Wolf handbook, he may obtain his Wolf badge. 

How quickly a boy progresses is up to him and his adult partner. He should do his best to complete each track, that's part of the promise he made to become a Bobcat and it is the Cub Scout Motto - DO YOUR BEST. Don't okay a track if you both know he can do a better job. Go on to something else, then come back to the problem track. The important thing is to keep the boys interested.

After a boy earns his Wolf Badge, he can work on Electives which consist of special projects and activities (Twenty two are available). Completing them allows him to earn arrow points to display on his uniform under his Wolf badge.

Meet Our Wolves.

Cub Scouts

Pack 419

Duluth, Ga.



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