203 Swanson Drive, Jimwal Business Park.
Go north towards Athens on 316. Turn left onto Highway 20. Go one half mile,
make a left at the McDonalds onto Swanson Drive.
Downtown Atlanta:
100 Edgewood Avenue, Fourth Floor.
Located in the United Way building at the corner of Courtland and Edgewood
Avenue, across the street from Georgia State University. Parking in the building
behind the United Way building, entrance off of Courtland. 404-659-4740.
Sandy Springs:
220 Sandy Springs Circle.
Located in a strip shopping mall. Take exit 25 from 285 and go north on Roswell
Road. Turn left at Johnson's Ferry. Slight left onto Sandy Springs Circle. If
you miss the first left onto Johnson's Ferry, continue north on Roswell as Sandy
Springs Circle intersects Roswell Road. The back of the Scout Store shares
backyards with Sandy Springs United Methodist Church.
Toco Hills Shopping Center
Located in the University Spirit store
2953 North Druid Hills Rd. NE
Take 85S to North Druid Hills Rd. East on NDH Rd to Toco Hills Shopping Center.