The Arrow of Light Award is the highest rank in Cub Scouting. A Webelos
Scout should set his sights on it early. It's tougher to earn than the Webelos
badge, but it can be done! The Cub Scout will have to earn the Webelos
badge and at least eight activity badges, including Citizen,
Readyman, and Fitness. The total must
include one from each of the five activity groups.
The Arrow of Light Award is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on
the Boy Scout Uniform. As a boy works on the Arrow of Light, he gets a chance
to practice some Scout skills that he has already learned, earn more Activity
Badges, and really learn what a Boy Scout is.
Before he get's started on the Arrow of Light Award, he should read through
the requirements with a parent, guardian, or den
leader. Each time a requirement is satisfied, he should have his Webelos
Den Leader sign it off in his Webelos Scout Book.
Because this award is so
special, a special ceremony should always be performed by the