Pack Committee 1. Qualifications. The Pack is under the supervision of the Pack committee, consisting of at least three adults citizens of the United States, of good character, 21 years of age or older, and registered as Adult Leaders of BSA. Current Den Leaders should not fill the Committee positions; however, previous experience as a Den Leader would be helpful.2. General Responsibilities. a.
Leaders’ membership in the Pack. b. Recruit the Cub-Master and other Committee Members c. Provide adequate and safe facilities for Pack meetings. d. Coordinate the Pack program with the Chartered Organization. e.
with Pack Charter Renewal. f. Help stimulate parent involvement. g.
finances and equipment. h.
closely with Cub-Master. i.
Cub Scouts a year-round quality program. j.
Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, Roundtables & Pow-Wows. k.
with help of the Cub-Master, periodic training for parents. l.
with other Scouting units. m.
the policies of BSA. 3. Positions. a. Chartered Organization Representative (COR) b. Pack Committee Chairperson (PCC) c. Cub-Master (CM) d. Assistant Cub-Master (ACM) e. Advancement / Awards Coordinator (AAC) f. Blue and Gold Coordinator (BGC) g. Camping / Outdoors Activities Coordinator (COAC) h. Den Leader (DL) i. Membership and Registration Coordinator (MRC) j. Pine Wood Derby / Indoors Activities Coordinator (PWDIOC) k. Pop Corn Sales Coordinator (PPSC) l. Public Relations Coordinator (PRC) m. Secretary (Sec) n. Treasurer (TR) o. Web Coordinator (WC) |
Cub Scouts Pack 419 Duluth, Ga.
If you have questions or comments about this web site, please email us at CS_Pack419@Yahoo.Com. |