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Do five of these:

  1. List 10 different things engineers do.
  2. Visit a construction job. Look at a set of plans. Tell your Webelos den leader about these. (Get permission before you visit.) 
  3. Visit a civil engineer to understand how to measure the length of a property line. Explain how property lines are determined.
  4. Tell about how electricity is generated and then gets to your home.
  5. Construct a simple working electrical circuit using a flashlight battery, a switch, and a light.
  6. Make drawings of three kinds of bridges and explain their differences. Construct a model bridge of your choice.
  7. Make a block and tackle and show how it works.
  8. Build a catapult and show how it works.
  9. Draw a floor plan of your house. Include doors, windows, and stairways.
  10. Explain how engineers use computers.

Cub Scouts

Pack 419

Duluth, Ga.



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