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(Required for Arrow of Light and Webelos Badge)

Do six of these:

  1. With a parent or other adult family member complete a safety notebook, which is discussed in the pamphlet "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse" found in the front of this book. 
  2. Read the meal planning information in this chapter. With a parent or other family member, plan a week of meals. Explain what kinds of meals are best for you and why.
  3. Keep a record of your daily meals and snacks for a week. Decide whether you have been eating foods that are good for you.
  4. Tell an adult member of your family about the five bad effects smoking or chewing tobacco would have on your body.
  5. Tell an adult member of your family four reasons why you should not use alcohol and how it could affect you.
  6. Tell an adult member of your family what drugs could do to your body and how they would affect your ability to think clearly.
  7. Read the booklet Don't Be Tricked by Drugs: A Deadly Game! Discuss it with an adult and show that you understand the material.

Cub Scouts

Pack 419

Duluth, Ga.



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