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  1. Behavior. There will be no offensive language, gestures or clothing at Pack or Den activities. Offenders will be asked to leave. Other disruptive behavior at a Den Meeting, Pack Meeting, or Pack function shall, on the first occasion, be referred to the parent/guardian. Subsequent occasions shall be referred to the Pack Committee. Repeated occurrences may lead to suspension and/or dismissal from the Pack.
  2. Dues. Annual Pack dues of $50.00 are governed by a Pack budget and are payable by September 31st. The annual Pack dues include BSA National registration and Boy’s Life magazine.
  3. Attendance. Each registered Cub Scout is required to attend all Den meetings. If four (4) consecutive meetings are missed, the Scout will be put on the Inactive List. The Den Leader shall issue an oral warning, via telephone, after the third missed meeting. After the fourth missed meeting, the parent/guardian will be contacted and informed that the Scout has one week to be reinstated and pay back dues. Additionally, if there is a waiting list, the Scout will be placed on the list with an effective date as of the fourth missed meeting. The Pack Committee shall approve reinstatement into the Pack. After eight (8) consecutive missed meetings, the Scout will be dropped from the Pack Roster. Absences due to medical considerations, family visits or vacations will be honored with prior notification.
  4. Tardiness. All Cub Scouts must make an effort to be on time. The Den Leader shall issue an oral warning, after the third late arrival.
  5. Meetings. Den Leaders are to conduct at least three (3) meetings a month during September through May, and one (1) meeting a month, during June, July, and August.
  6. Conduct on Church Property. No child will be allowed to run freely or randomly about the halls, meeting rooms, any part of the church building or grounds, before, during or after a Pack or Den Activity. Active Cub Scouts are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
  7. Service / Attendance Awards. Cub Scouts and Adult Leaders who have earned Service Pins should receive them at the last Pack Meeting in May. Perfect attendance pins should be awarded at the May Crossover Ceremony, to boys who attend thirty-six (36) Den and/or Pack activities, during the previous period of June 1 - May 30.
  8. Den Assignments. The Cub-Master, the committee, and the Den Leaders shall make the initial Den assignments. No modifications of Dens by Den Leaders are permitted without approval of the Pack Committee.
  9. Ranks. All Cub Scouts must earn the Bobcat rank before proceeding through the rank as dictated by their school grade. Age is used only as a back-up factor.
            Tigers               1st grade or age 6
            Wolf                 2nd grade or age 7
            Bear                 3rd grade or age 8
            Webelos I         4th grade or age 9
            Webelos II        5th grade or age 10
  10. Tiger Cub Program. Tiger Cubs meet as a den in their own environment according to the Tiger Cub program, and they will be included in all and Pack activities. At the Scheduled Pack Graduation in May, they will be advanced into a Wolf Den.
  11. Field Trips. Permission slips must be received for each Scout prior to any Den or Pack field trip. It is recommended that a Tour Permit be filed two (2) weeks before such outings.
  12. Complaints. All problems or complaints go to the Den Leader first. If it remains unresolved, the parent/guardian must present (either in person or in writing) the matter to the Committee Chairman or Cub-Master. The matter will be addressed at the next Pack Committee meeting or the earliest time necessitated by the situation.

Cub Scouts

Pack 419

Duluth, Ga.



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